Bersama ini kami informasikan penawaran Korea Indonesia Coorperation Agency (KOICA)
Master Degree Scholarship Programs of Fall 2011 Intake dari dua Universitas berikut ini:
Pukyong National University
“International GraduateProgram of Fisheries Science (GFS)”
· Durasi: July 2011 – Agustus 2012
· Lokasi: Busan
· Cakupan Beasiswa:
1. Tuition Fee
2. Akomodasi PP
3. Living allowance: KRW 17.000/day
4. Meals: 21.600/day
5. Buku: KRW 800.000
6. Study visit and field trip
7. Medical Check up and overseas travel insurance
· Contact Person:
KOICA-PKNU International Graduate Program of Fisheries Science,
Graduate School, Pukyong National University
Dr. Kyoungmi KANG
599-1, Daeyon-3-Dong, Namgu, Busan, Republic of Korea 608737
Telp: +82-51-6296878 Fax: +/2-51-6296879
Yonsei University
“Rural Society Leadership Development for Global Reduction”
· Durasi: Agustus 2011 – Desember 2012
· Lokasi: Wonju
· Informasi dan pendaftaran:
· Cakupan Beasiswa:
1. Living allowance: KRW 17.000/day
2. Meals: 21.600/day
3. Bantuan akomodasi kedatangan: KRW 60.000
4. Buku: KRW 600.000
5. Akomodasi PP
6. Medical Check up
7. Dormitory charge
8. Medical insurance
9. Tuition Fee
10. Study visit and field trip
· Contact Person:
Graduate School of Government and Business
Yonsei University Wonju Campus
Ms. Joung-hyun LEE
Telp: +82-33-7602302, Fax: +82-33-7660-4324
Catatan: Berkas lamaran paling lambat diterima oleh Sekretariat Negara tanggal 15 April 2011.
Either you need further information or want to get the application form,
please feel free to contact me at 031-5914042 ext 410.