Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
We request the honor of your presence at the wedding reception of:
Ratna Wahyu Kartika Sari
Afik Dian Raharja
that will be held on:
Saturday, July 23rd 2011
11 am - 1 pm
The Toto Wahyudi's home
RT 11, RW 04 Sukosari, Dagangan, Madiun
RT 11, RW 04 Sukosari, Dagangan, Madiun
(please see the attachment picture below for further detail)
Holy vow:
Friday, July 22nd 2011
9 am
Masjid Al Mufaridduun
Holy vow:
Friday, July 22nd 2011
9 am
Masjid Al Mufaridduun
RT 11, RW 04 Sukosari, Dagangan, Madiun
P.S Due to our limited capability in sending the invitation cards,
we hope that this media will be able to provide sufficient information.