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Review 2009

Hmm... Maybe it's too little too late to write down about this topic, review about 2009, whereas I've written about my resolution for this year. Usually, we make the review before make the resolution, hehehe... But it's okey than nothing at all.
  1. I've got a job. After fighting for so many times at so many companies. I enjoy working at Dyandra Promosindo, one of the leading exhibition companies on this country, which is a part of Kompas Gramedia, one of biggest media groups in Indonesia. And I love being this big family. I'm so excited on handling so many exhibitions such as Festival Komputer Indonesia, Bobo Fair, Surabaya Computer Expo, Indie Clothing Expo and Mega Bazaar Computer. I enjoy meeting so many new people and then make friendship with them. And I'm so glad to work with so many nice, creative and hard worker people. Yes, I'm so thankful for this. Maybe I don't earn much money, but I could earn myself. I'm luckier than so many people outta there who are jobless.
  2. I'm wiser than before, and tougher anyway. As so many problems and, one of it was so terrible, came to my life. But, for me, it doesn't matter to make any mistakes. The most important thing is what you learn from it, and not to do the same mistake in the future.
  3. Responsive and solve my problem. Please don't ask me what the problem is, it's off the record you know, instead of I'm sick to remember the hurt on my heart, hehehe. But, the point is I'm fully consider to all the thing I chose and did, and fully responsible to all its impact.
  4. Shopping and saving. As I earn myself, I have money. Not only I could buy the thing I want and do so many things else like travelling or buying books, I also could save my money for my future.
  5. Give a little give to people I love with my own money. And I'm so glad to know how they responed it well, how they becomed so excited and proud of me.
Hmm, maybe those are only a little that I could achieved on the previous year. But, I wish I could do better this year. I wish I could be a better daughter, a better sister, a better best friend, a better spouse, a better friend, a better worker. Yes, I'm wishing for the better to my whole life through. Amiin...

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