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Unforgettable Moments - A Review of 2012

We will meet the end of 2012 very soon. Wohaaa, time does fly so fast. But, well, before it is end, let's make  what-so-called-annual-review in details, like I always do on the previous years. It's always so nice for me to look over what have happened on this whole year. If it refers to my wish list for this year, I could say almost of them come true. Thanks to Allah for being so generous to me. 

In this year my pregnancy was in the second and third trimester. On February, we had Tingkeban or Tujuh Bulanan (a-tradional-javanese-baby shower) for the baby inside.

Gave a birth
It was a very blessing-amazing-unforgettable-moment that I could give a birth normally, in short time without feel extra pain. Thanks to my husband who accompanied me during the process. Thanks a lot for your patience to help me do anything while I was still on recovery time.

I love this moment a lot. Whenever I breastfeed my baby, I feel I'm loved and needed. Thanks to Allah for giving me so much breastmilk for my baby. It's more than enough. And it's beyond my imagination that I could share my breastmilk to four other babies. I'm proud to be a breastfeeding mom. I'm proud that I'm could still breastfeed till this time. I'm proud that I could get my baby exclusively breastfed. I'm indeed thanks to my stubborn to fight for this. You know, I live in the middle of people who often underestimate and make me down. They act like they're an expert on breastfeeding and parenting despite the fact that their arguments are sometime totally wrong. Without it, everything wouldn't be like this. 

Having a super baby boy
How blessed I am to have Bintang in my life. He makes my life and our family more complete. He's so cute and smart. He often makes me surprise, that a little baby boy likes him could do something and understand what I said and told to him.

Enjoy motherhood
Being pregnant, gave a birth and breastfeeding are progress of events that make me feel complete as a woman. Yes, I'm so damn blessed. I'm now enjoying my motherhood although it is never easy. But, don't you worry, you will find a lot of unpredictable things. Yes, being a mother is about discovering strengths you didn't know you had and dealing with fears you never knew exsisted (Sherene Simon)

Took an English Class at IALF
Finally, my dream to to have a class here came true. To good to be true that I got it for free. Yes, it because my office have paid all of the fees :)

Took Maternity Shoot
The pictures taken maybe were not really good, but the most important thing is the memory that last. *cheer myself up :p

Trip to Bali
It was my business trip actually, but I still could did some things fun there. Enjoy the food, the beach and the traditional culture.

New (smart) phone
Thanks to my beloved husband who has bought it for me. Aaah, although he's not romantic, he's very kind, he knows me show well and who to treat me right. Love you so much yangkuw :* :*

These are my stories, what about you?? :D


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