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Showing posts from January, 2010

Berbahagia Di Atas Penderitaan Orang Lain

Sekilas apa yang Anda pikirkan tentang judul postingan saya kali ini? Serem atau kejam? Tapi, kalau buat saya ini sebenarnya menggelitik. Makanya saya tertarik menuliskannya di sini. Tentang mereka yang berbahagia di atas penderitaan orang lain. Hari ini, berita meninggalnya Michael D. Rusli, Presiden Direktur PT. Astra International, Tbk menjadi headline di berbagai media. Maklum, beliau membawahi puluhan atau bahkan ratusan perusahaan di bawah bendera Astra yang sudah menggurita di perekonomian negeri ini. Berhubung anak perusahaannya sangat banyak, dan tentunya relasi bisnisnya lebih banyak lagi, ucapan bela sungkawa yang datang tentulah juga banyak jumlahnya. Di salah satu koran nasional yang saya baca tadi pagi, saya menemukan iklan bela sungkawa terhadap kepergiannya dalam ukuran yang besar. Satu halaman. Dan itu tidak hanya dari satu perusahaan. Masih banyak iklan - iklan lain yang kecil - kecil. Dari hasil penghitungan saya, lebih dari 10 halaman dari koran tersebut diisi deng...

Review 2009

Hmm... Maybe it's too little too late to write down about this topic, review about 2009, whereas I've written about my resolution for this year. Usually, we make the review before make the resolution, hehehe... But it's okey than nothing at all. I've got a job. After fighting for so many times at so many companies. I enjoy working at Dyandra Promosindo , one of the leading exhibition companies on this country, which is a part of Kompas Gramedia, one of biggest media groups in Indonesia. And I love being this big family. I'm so excited on handling so many exhibitions such as Festival Komputer Indonesia , Bobo Fair, Surabaya Computer Expo, Indie Clothing Expo and Mega Bazaar Computer . I enjoy meeting so many new people and then make friendship with them. And I'm so glad to work with so many nice, creative and hard worker people. Yes, I'm so thankful for this. Maybe I don't earn much money, but I could earn myself. I'm luckier than so many people ou...


Take time to think. It is the source of power. Take time to read. It is the foundation of wisdom. Take time to quiet. It is the opportunity to seek God. Take time to dream. It is the future made of. Take time to pray. It is the greatest power on earth. PS. Just share a note that I found on my diary this morning :) Love NaaNaa 3-R Campaign: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Bold Whatever Applies To You :)

You like shower better than bubble baths. You cannot stand pop music. You have a sister. You are an only child. You have black hair. You have blonde hair. You have red hair. You have glasses. You wear contacts. You like TV more than movies. You don’t talk on the phone often. You like to shop. You like emo music. You are tall. You are short. You are average height. You have long hair. You have medium length hair. You have short hair. You use AIM. You use Yahoo IM. You have more than 3 pets. You like sushi. You are on a diet. You are currently on the second floor of your house. You have a small room. You are in high school. You have 1 little brother. You have an older brother. You are allergic to something. You have a boyfriend/girlfriend. You have a current crush. You have many crushes. You have been kissed. You have kissed another girl. You laugh a lot. You have lots of friend. You are lonely. You are sick. You are depressed. You are listening to...


I found him said "Rasane....aku kangen karo koweee..." (read: I guess I miss you) as his facebook status... Hey boy, don't you remember that it was you who let me go?? Please remember that!! It's ur own choice. So, enjoy ur damn feeling urself. And now, I just wanna laugh, laugh loud on you. Love NaaNaa

My Blog's Anniversary

Besok blog ini berulang tahun. Ulang tahun yang keempat. Bukan rentang waktu yang lama, tapi juga tidak sebentar. Sebelum postingan ini, saya sudah mempostingkan 259 post sebelumnya. Isinya beraneka macam. Ada curahan hati, puisi, informasi, catatan kecil, dsb. Pendek kata, sesuai sub tittle bog saya sebelumnya "perjalanan perasaan, pikiran dan impian". Saya benar - benar bisa mengekspresikan semuanya di sini. Meski ada beberapa hal yang saya edit demi kenyamanan bersama. Rasanya saya masih tak tega untuk memaki orang dengan menyebut nama. Selain tidak etis, saya juga tidak sekejam itu. Saya masih punya nurani :) Ada beberapa hal yang saya edit dari blog ini. Tampilannya sedikit berubah. Ada beberapa elemen yang juga saya tambahkan. Tujuannya biar lebih catchy, biar enak dilihat dan dibacanya. Semoga, blog ini tetap menjadi digital diary saya. Dan ke depan lebih bermanfaat buat orang lain. Terakhir, "Happy Anniversary My Dearest Blog" . Love NaaNaa

Am I Romanctic??

I just took the "One Word That Describes You!!!" quiz and the result is Romantic. Congrats! you're romantic! you're that mysterious seductive romantic person. Kind of like the modern vampire. Your very mischief, and sneaky. You love to through surprise dates or parties for your girlfriend/boyfriend crush. Your very passionate, you rather let your lips do the talking. You like to SHOW your girlfriend/boyfriend that you love them! Oh you are also very protective! and wonderful, and good-looking! It's only a fun quiz.. :)

The Secret

Once, I loved that guy much. But he never be mine. A ever cried over him, but now it's over. It's been so hard to run over him with the hurt in my heart. I asked to God to make him mine, but He still didn't make it. So, I went away from his life, from that stuck damn situation, with a big question lied in my mind, why God made it happened to me. But now, there's no more love for him in my heart anymore. We've been standing on different path, standing on our own way. I am in a relationship with another guy, and so he is. But he was in a relationship with so many girls before. And today, I just heard a very surprising news about him. That he has made love with some girls. Not one, but some. Wawww.. It's been surprising me much to know that those girls are not always his girl friend. He did it with any girl. Even the one that he had just known. It's still so hard to believe that he become like this. Now he is a smoker, and a drunker either. To be honest, it...

It's Red, Stop Please...

Pernahkah Anda berpikir, apa saja manfaat lampu lalu lintas? Ya, tentang manfaat lampu tiga warna itu.. Basicly, manfaat lampu merah, kuning, hijau itu adalah untuk mengatur lalu lintas di sebuah jalan. Terutama di jalan - jalan padat dan dekat dengan persimpangan, entah pertigaan atau perempatan. Gunanya untuk mengatur kelancaran lalu lintas supaya tidak terjadi perang kepentingan siapa yang berhak jalan duluan. Lampu tersebut dihadirkan untuk menjadi penanda kapan si pengguna jalan berhenti dan kapan jalan. Kalau diatur, dan tentu saja dipatuhi, tentulah tidak ada tabrakan kepentingan yang mengakibatkan tabrakan kendaraan secara nyata. Tapi sayangnya, kepedulian pengguna jalan untuk mematuhi rambu - rambu lalu lintas masihlah minim. Terbukti, sepanjang pengamatan saya, masih banyak yang melanggarnya. Contoh yang paling banyak saya jumpai adalah saat lampu merah menyala, mereka tak menghiraukan dan berlalu begitu saja. Padahal pada saat lampu merah menyala, ada hak pengguna jalan l...

Enjoy Cooking Time

I spent my last weekend with my lovely one. No hanging out. Just staying at his home because of his tiredness of his busy work during this week. We did activities that we used to do when we're not as busy as today :) It was cooking. Yeah. Only cooked simple cuisine, boiled noodle with vegetables and eggs and french fries. But both of us really enjoyed it. In the morning, I went to the market. Bought some several ingredients for my cuisine. I bought instant noodles, eggs, China cabbage and potatoes. The cooking itself didn't take so many times. Only about a half hour. After finishing my cook, I prepared our breakfast, although it's too late because it was ten. And the most precious and happiest moment for me was to watch him ate my cooks till it last. I was soooo happy. And it made me want to cook another cuisine, for him. Love NaaNaa

All The Love In The World

I have so much love to give. All the love in the world that I give to whom i wanna give my heart to. My family, my lovely one, my best friends, my friend, and the others. I've been trying to be a good and nice person for everyone. And I love being care to those people, especially those who I love most. I always try to give my hand whenever they need my help. Always try to give my arms to hold on. Always try to spare my times not only for hanging out but also for listening them whenever they need someone to talk to. Yes, I'm trying to be their best. I am so glad that finally, from what I've done, I got good result. In my life, I met so many people and made friendship with them. Furthermore, I found that some of them are really good friends to me. But, sadly, in the other hand, some of them had another feeling to me. Not one, but two. And it made me confuse, should i happy or sad of it. They seem miss interpreted of what I've been doing and caring about. I guess they t...


Capek Aku capek Aku capek sayang Aku mau diam Diam seribu bahasa Karena... Mungkin hanya dengan diam Kamu akan mengerti Atau paling tidak menyadari Ada keinginan dalam hati ini Yang ingin kau mengerti 3 Januari 2009 Love NaaNaa 3-R Campaign: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Sholat Khusyu'

Kita seringkali beribadah dalam ketergesaan. Entah karena waktu istirahat sudah mau habis, untuk karyawan, atau karena dilakukan di penghujung waktu sholat. Karena buru - buru, kita akhirnya tidak lagi "menikmati" ibadah itu sendiri. Ibadah yang kita lakukan, tanpa kita sadari, seringkali hanya berbasis kewajiban, bukan kebutuhan. Hanya dimaksudkan untuk untuk memenuhi, dan bukan meresapi. Hal tersebut juga pernah menimpa saya. Akhir - akhir ini misalnya. Sampai kemarin saya membaca majalah religi langganan saya, Tarbawi, yang pada edisi itu mengangkat tema "Kita Seringkali Meminta Melalui Ibadah Yang Tergesa - Gesa". Dan saya tersentuh dengan bahasannya. Saya pun menengok pada diri saya. Mereview bagaimana ibadah saya. Saya lantas tertawa malu karenanya. Saya bisa seharian baca buku, berjam - jam di depan internet. Tapi saya suka buru - buru kalau sholat. Sholat yang kurang dari sepuluh menit akdang terasa lebih lama dari pada seharian ngemall. Selanjutnya say...

New Year Holiday At Taman Safari

In the early of this year (read: new year) I took a vacation with my lovely one. We went to Taman Safari Indonesia (TSI) 2 at Prigen, Pasuruan. It's one of the largest zoo in this country. I was so happy, and enjoy it, and of course my lovely one too. After having so many schedule to traveling together and canceled for so many times for many reason, finally we had a nice vacation again. Horray... Before going, we had a break fast first. We enjoyed "Bubur Ayam" near my boarding house. And at 8.30 we started our journey by motorcycle. The trip itself was smooth. Only a lit' bit stuck at Porong. Since the explosion of Lapindo mud, Porong became so crowded. About ten o'clock, we arrived. We bought entrance tickets, @ IDR 40.000, and a parking pass IDR 5.000. The entrance ticket was also free pas for animal show and shuttle bus. FYI, TSI was equiped by public buses for those who don't bring own car. It's a must for visitors to travel around with cl...

Manusia Berencana, Tuhan Yang Menentukan

Barusan chat dengan seorang teman Dia sudah sangat ingin menikah Sudah kerja dan cukup umur katanya Orang tua katanya juga sudah ingin menimang cucu Tapi lelakinya bilang tunggu dulu Karena satu alasan yang tak diceritakan padaku Awalnya dia asyik - asyik aja Tapi lama - lama gondok juga Karena tiap hari ditanya teman dan tetangga Hmmm... Apa jadinya kalau hidup melulu mendengarkan omongan orang? Sedikit - sedikit bingung karena omongan orang Cepat panik kalau ada yang mendahului Padahal hidup tak melulu perlombaan Bukan masalah siapa cepat atau siapa yang lambat Dia bingung apa yang sebenarnya ditunggu lelakinya Padahal menurutnya sudah punya segalanya Padahal... Kesiapan menikah tidak ditentukan pada apa yang sudah seseorang punya Bukan pada harta Dan bukan pada usia Kesiapan itu datang dari hati Panggilan nurani Dan yang pasti Hidup tak selamanya seindah yang kita bayangkan Tak selamanya keinginan kita jadi kenyataan Sekeras apapun kita berusaha Kalau ...


Again. It's happen again. You said that you're hurt again. Need time to be alone. Without no one to be with. In the day I uploaded my pictures with my lovely one. Now I'm just wondering whether it's intentional or not. Because it's not the first time. If it's wrong for me to publish my pictures with him And share the happiness between us? Love NaaNaa 3-R Campaign: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle


They said my boy friend must be so lucky to have me in his life.. But, actually I do feel the same That I'm so lucky too, to have him here in my life.. PS. Love you so much yangkuw Love NaaNaa 3-R Campaign: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Yang Baru Di Tahun Baru

Hal pertama yang baru di tahun baru ini adalah hand phone baru. Ya, tepat di tahun baru saya membeli sebuah hand phone baru. Hand phone CDMA untuk mengganti yang lama. Bukan karena gaya - gayaan, tapi memang karena desakan kebutuhan. Hand phone lama suka nggak conect antara handset sama charger . jadi kalau di -charge nggak bisa masuk listriknya. Nah, ini berakibat pada terhambatnya komunikasi. Padahal tarif CDMA kan lebih murah. Sangat penting untuk kehidupan cinta dan pekerjaan saya. Hehehe. Hand phone-nya bukan yang mahal. Fiturnya standard. Fungsi penting yang paling saya utamakan adalah untuk telepon. Keperluan yang lain sudah ditunjang oleh yang GSM. Yang paling menyenangkan adalah saya membelinya pakai duit hasil kerja keras saya sendiri. Puas dan bangga rasanya. Dan yang pasti, saya sangat bersyukur untuk nikmat ini. It's becaused all has been blessing. Love NaaNaa

Happy New Year 2010

Another year is over And a new one has just begun Happy New Year 2010 May the coming year be better than before Wishing you health, luck and happiness Today and always Even it's a little bit late.. :) Love NaaNaa