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Showing posts from 2020

Be Patient, Keep Waiting

As the situation evolves worldwide, I want you to be present in the moment, remain calm and stay safe wherever you are. The beautiful places to explore and the fun things to do will have to wait, for the time being. I am here, silent and still in the day and night patiently waiting for the tough times to be over, to continue my journey. "Do you not see that ships sail through the sea by the favor of Allah that He may show you of His signs? Indeed in that are signs for everyone patient and grateful." (Q.S Luqman : 31) #quranquotes #ship #sea #harbour #wheninpapua #ratnatravelstheworld

Tahu Tek Surabaya

Sudah lama gak makan Tahu Tek, penjual langganan terakhir ke sana gak jualan, trus gak ngecek lagi sih. Akhirnya bikin sendiri aja, karena kalaupun buka, pasti antri dan gak bisa physical distancing. Jadi yuk bikin saja. Resepnya nyontek di web Kecap Bango, dengan sedikit penyesuaian. Tahu Tek Surabaya Bahan: 2 buah Lontong, potong-potong agak tebal 3 buah Tahu, potong kotak  2 Kentang rebus, kupas dan iris kotak 3 butir telur ayam segar 1 sdt Garam ½ sdt lada putih bubuk Minyak untuk menggoreng Pelengkap: 150 gr Tauge, rebus sebentar,  angkat,sisihkan 1/2 buah Mentimun, kupas, iris tipis Kerupuk Saus kacang: 100 gr Kacang tanah sangrai, buang kulitnya 2 siung Bawang putih, sangrai 3 biji Cabe rawit (sesuai selera ) 1,5 sdm Petis udang Garam secukupnya 2 sdm Kecap manis (sesuai selera ) 150 ml Air matang Cara memasak: 1. kocok telur, lalu tambahkan garam dan lada, aduk rata. Lalu tambahkan potongan tahu kotak, aduk rata, kemudian bagi menjadi 3 bagian, sisihkan. 2. Panaskan mi...

Nasi Goreng Kambing ala Kebon Sirih

Memenuhi masakan yang dipengeni suami sejak kapan hari. Baru eksekusi setelah nemu toko daging online yang jualan kambing. Sebelumnya pernah bikin tapi dengan daging sapi. Nasi Goreng Kambing ala Kebon Sirih (Resep dari web Kecap Bango), dimodifikasi berat daging dan minyaknya menyesuaikan bahan yang ada di rumah. Bahan-bahan: 200 gr daging kambing, diiris tipis atau dipotong kotak-kotak kecil (sesuai selera) 450 gr nasi dingin 50 ml minyak kelapa 100 ml air  2 cm Kayu manis 1 lembar daun salam Garam secukupnya Kecap secukupnya Bumbu halus: 7 siung bawang merah 4 siung bawang putih 4 biji cabe merah 2 biji cabe rawit merah ¼ sdt kunyit bubuk ¼ sdt jintan bubuk 2 biji cengkeh, dihaluskan 2 biji kapulaga, dihaluskan Pelengkap Telur dadar, iris tipis Acar mentimun wortel Emping belinjo Cara Memasak 1. Panaskan minyak di dalam wajan, masukkan kayu manis, daun salam dan bumbu halus lalu tumis hingga harum. Tambahkan daging kambing ke dalamnya, kemudian aduk-aduk hingga bumbu merata. 2. ...

Overripe Banana Pancake

Sejak pandemi menyerang, aku lebih berhati-hati terhadap (bahan) makanan, sebisa mungkin jangan sampai ada yang terbuang. Sayang! Adakah yang sama sepertiku? Alasannya banyak aspek kehidupan menjadi lebih menantang, pengeluaran harus ditata ulang. Lalu, aku juga tidak bisa setiap hari belanja. Jangan sampai di luar sana masih banyak yang kesulitan makan, eh aku buang makanan. Kalau belum bisa membantu, paling tidak bisa berhemat dan bijak mengkonsumsi terlebih dahulu. Pagi ini aku lihat ada dua buah pisang tergeletak di meja, tak tersentuh sejak kemarin, terlalu matang memang kurang menggugah selera. Buka kulkas ada susu cokelat tinggal sedikit. Aha, mari dibikin pancake saja.  Overripe Banana Pancake  Bahan: 1 bungkus tepung premix pancake (aku pakai ladang lima) 1 butir telur 125 ml susu (aku pakai susu cokelat) 2 sdm butter, lelehkan 2 sisir pisang Kismis untuk toping Cara: 1. Kocok telur di wadah, campurkan pisang hancurkan kasar.  2. Tuang tepung premix, tambahkan su...

Eid Mubarak 1441 H

Ramadhan has come to an end. May Allah accept our good deeds during the past thirty days and grant us an opportunity to reach next Ramadhans. Eid Mubarak dear fellas. May the guidance and blessings of Allah be with you and your family.  With love, The Raharjas

We Are Not In The Same Boat

I heard that we are in the same boat. But it’s not like that. We are in the same storm, but not in the same boat. Your ship can be shipwrecked and mine might not be. Or vice versa. For some, quarantine is optimal: a moment of reflection, of re-connection. Easy, in flip flops, with a whiskey or tea. For others, this is a desperate crisis. For others, it is facing loneliness. For some, peace, rest time, vacation. Yet for others, Torture: How am I going to pay my bills? Some were concerned about a brand of chocolate for Easter (this year there were no rich chocolates). Others were concerned about the bread for the weekend, or if the noodles would last for a few more days. Some were in their “home office”. Others are looking through trash to survive. Some want to go back to work because they are running out of money. Others want to kill those who break the quarantine. Some need to break the quarantine to stand in line at the banks. Others to escape. ...

Hikmah Corona: Allah itu Dekat

Photo Credit: Apa kabar teman - teman? Semoga senantiasa dalam lindungan Allah. Belakangan lagi ramai soal virus Corona ya. Sejak pertama kali ditemukan akhir tahun lalu, Corona telah merubah banyak aspek kehidupan kita. Bukan hanya sekolah dan kantor yang sepi karena aktivitasnya diganti di rumah, tapi tempat ibadah pun sepi karena kegiatan massal harus dihindari. Sedih ya. And for the first time in my life aku melihat Masjidil Haram dan Masjid Nabawi sepi, ditutup untuk umum demi menghindari penyebaran virus Corona yang semakin hari semakin banyak korbannya. What a heartbreaking. Banyak yang menyayangkan penutupan tsb, tapi aku mencoba memahami kebijakan Kerajaan Arab Saudi tsb. Pasalnya ratusan ribu bahkan jutaan orang yang berkumpul di dua masjid terbesar itu, dari berbagai latar belakang yang berbeda. Tentu penularannya bisa lebih cepat, dari karpet yang digelar untuk sholat, dari kiswah, dari Hajar Aswad, dari manapun Allah menghendaki. Betapa k...

Cerita Umroh : Makkah Never Sleeps

"Indeed, the first House [of worship] established for mankind was that at Makkah - blessed and a guidance for the worlds." (QS Ali Imran : 96) As the moonlight illuminates the city sky, the pilgrims engage in intense prayer asking forgiveness from their Lord, shedding tears of sadness and joy simultaneously, until their eyes are numb and their faces glow. They face the Ka'bah to quench their thirst and fulfil their desires. The Ka'bah is a sight beyond belief, leaving its witnesses stunned as they stare at it in total awe and disbelief. Looking at the majestic structure, people forget about the world and everything about it. For a brief moment, it's just them and the Ka'bah; it's just them and their Lord. Seeing such a tremendous sight, the heart skips a beat and the mind registers the moment forever. It is something really unique. And the size of the Ka'bah is so big that any photo we see cannot capture this unique structure. All throug...

Menu MPASI : Sayur Bening dan Semur Ayam

Bekal Rhea hari ini ada dua macam yaitu: Sayur Bening dan Semur Hati Telor. Satu lauk dalam semur untuk satu sesi makan 😂😂 plus ada jeruk dan perkedel tahu. Untuk aku dan suami Sayur Beningnya ditemani Rempeyek Udang (yang sengaja gak aku foto soalnya gemes ama bentuknya yang kurang okey😂). . . Summary kandungan gizinya sebagai berikut: Karbohidrat: Nasi, Kentang Protein Hewani: Hati sapi, telur ayam Protein Nabati: Tofu dan Tahu Vitamin: Daun Ubi Jalar, Wortel, Labu Siam, Tomat, Jeruk Lemak: Minyak kelapa . . Rhea akhir-akhir ini lagi suka Labu Siam dan Perkedel Tahu, jadi meski utak - atik menu biar dia semangat makan dengan bahan favoritnya. Hal ini sesuai salah satu kaidah Pemberian Makanan Bayi dan Anak (PMBA) yaitu active responsive feeding. Di gambar terlihat sayuran dan hati aku potong lebih kecil buat dia supaya gampang makannya, gak kesedak. Sementara kalau tofu, telur dan perkedel tahu dia sudah bisa menggigit atau memotong dengan sendok sendiri. . . MPAS...

Cerita Umroh : Pergi Bersama Ibuk

سُبْØ­َانَ اللهِ ÙˆَالْØ­َÙ…ْدُ للهِ، Ùˆَلاَ Ø¥ِÙ„َÙ‡َ Ø¥ِلاَّ الله، Ùˆَاللهُ Ø£َÙƒْبَرُ. لاَ Ø­َÙˆْÙ„َ Ùˆَلاَ Ù‚ُÙˆَّØ©َ Ø¥ِلاَّ بِاللَّÙ‡ِ . . I've been traveled with many people, many times assist the bosses and collegues. But this time is special, I traveled with my mom for a quite long duration. It's an honour for me to accompany my mom for her first overseas trip. The Haramain is a destination we've been waiting since forever. . . I may call it a real journey, physicly and emotionally. I found it's challenging with its ups and downs during these past 13 days. But the blessed feeling of being on the Haramain could never be expressed, it's beyond words. All I know is Allah so close to me and loves me all the way. Allah shows His Greatness that He could make anything happen even before our eyes start blinking. . . Alhamdulillah Allah grants me opportunity to prove what my dad requested when he came to my dream and told me to not let mom go alone. I just reali...