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My 28 Weeks Pregnancy

Illustration for 28 weeks pregnancy. Picture taken from

Last night I saw the doctor (again) to have my baby checked up. Within one month my weight gains two kilos while the baby's weight is doubled than last month. Last month he's 0,6 kilo but he's now 1,2 kilos. As my weight gain, I'm now getting tired and sleepy easily. I'm so thankful for having a great husband that always be my side, doing every single thing I need. He's so kind, patient and helpful. He never complain about the household thingy that I never done during this pregnancy. I'm truly blessed, yes I am.

I'm also so thankful that my weight and baby's gain normally, not beyond the normal standard but not under one. Even many people said that I'm too thin for pregnant women as I don't look get fat. Once, I got frustrated because of this. But my doctor told me not to worry about this because the most important thing in pregnancy is the baby growth.

The medical check up shows that he's healthy and grows normally. I could hear his heart beat more often and regularly. In his age now, he just start being able to listen the voice around. So it's time to talk with your baby regularly or ask him to listen to the music. My baby is so excited on listening to tale that his dad reads before he sleep. He also enjoy the soft music.When he is excited to one thing he will move her body gently.

His head is now in the bottom of  uterus. This position is a must for normal birth. Baby will automatically move to this position, but for some women it doesn't work. They need special treatment. One of the way to help the baby move to that position is doing knee chest position ("sujud" in Bahasa Indonesia) regularly. Beside that, this position also has other benefits such will enrich the blood with oxygen that might spur the intelligence, avoid disruption of hemorrhoids, prevent the occurrence of seizures in the knees, an effective way to massage the stomach and digestive tracts and reduce fat that causes obesity.

As the baby's head has already moved, no wonder lately I feel the "pain" under my breast and on the back bone. It's is normal because the baby position and movement that's getting stronger, but we could reduce the pain by doing exercise such as take a walk, swimming and stretching. I prefer doing yoga for pregnant women and talk a walk in the morning.

Keep healthy and happy dear baby boy, Ayah and Bunda love you so much :* :*


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