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Review 2015

images from Google

Hellooo... Long time no see.

Actually I have some stories that happened in 2015, but I still have no time to share them here. I will share them later.

Now, as the first post in 2016 I will write my review about my 2015. 

  • My brother got married right on his birthday. I was so happy for him. The Wahyudi got new member now. The party was held in Cibubur. Bintang was so happy to take plane again.
  • The change of head of IOP, due to the previous head continued his study to Aussie. I'm so sad actually, since Mas Igak was the one who took me here, be a part of IOPers. 
  • Took selection process for LPDP scholarship.

  • I didn't pass the selection process for LPDP scholarship. I will try again later
  • My brother's second wedding party was held on Madiun.

  • We have a family trip to Pacitan. We did enjoy the beach so much. Gonna back again to explore other beautiful beaches for sure.
  • Bintang had his first day of school for play group. 

  • Took Pelatihan Konseling Menyusui, finally. I'm now a lactation counselor. I hope I could help mothers and babies related to breastfeeding.
  • Bintang got broncho pneumonia and he was hospitalized for four days. 

  • Business trip to Semarang. My flight was delayed for more than six hours, so I had a chance to walk around the city.
  • Business trip to Singapore. I was so glad and excited to visit National University of Singapore, the best campus in Asia. I loved to travel around the city and enjoyed the food. My fave spot was Gardens by The Bay. The free of charge light show was so amazing.

  • Business trip to Malaysia. Visit some UNAIR's partners in Kuala Lumpur, Shah Alam and Serdang.
  • The most exhausting month for KSDN team since we had to handle the biggest ceremony ever with all the complexity. 
  • The result of Bintang's annual assessment was not good enough. Finally, we had to do an intervention to help him.

  • Bintang started to take Occupational Therapy.
  • My sister in law gave birth a cute and beautiful daughter named Shakeena Zahratunnisa.
  • My supervisor was resign as he will continue his study to Netherlands.
  • We had famly trip to Malang during the high season. I hate the the crowd and the traffic jam. So we think we shouldn't do this anymore in order to be able to enjoy the trip better. Take annual leave during the weekdays will be a good idea.

Overall, Alhamdulillah 2015 was a colorful year. I learn to be strong, to enjoy what life give and be thankful. 


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